One Four?

Starting January 1st, 2014, Morning Musume’s name will change into Morning Musume 14. In the years to come, the name will continue to change according to the year.

A~chan is not amused, Tsunku.

A~chan is not amused, Tsunku.

So, Tsunku has cooked up some oddball idea to keep future fans from being confused about future releases. 2014 releases were released by Morning Musume ’14, 2016 releases were released by Morning Musume ’16. 2048 releases were released by Morning Musume ’48. And well, so on. I can see where Tsunku is coming from–it does seem like an idea meant to keep the group organized throughout their decades-long history. However… aren’t we about 16-17 years too late?

MoMusu NAO.


I believe this idea might have been easily accepted back when Morning Musume was just starting out. Or even when the graduation/generation aspect was established. But, we’re nearly 17 years down the road from MoMusu’ creation. What’s the sense of trying to organize 54 singles and 13 albums now? I’m sure Tsunku had some sort of epiphany that told him this was a fantastic idea, but truthfully, it’s pointless. That epiphany was 16 years too late. Morning Musume’s name change will not affecting my iTunes library.

On the bright side, at least image searches will be a lot easier.

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